The SonLife Broadcasting Network now boasts broadcasting in 60 million households within the United States alone as well as 14 million homes in the United Kingdom, and present on satellites in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Swaggart is aided now by his only son Donnie Swaggart, as well as his grandson Gabriel Swaggart and a dozen other ministers including Loren Larson a former drug addict and dealer who says Swaggart's preaching helped change his life, who is now the President of World Evangelism Bible College once named after Jimmy Swaggart himself. Although Swaggart still managed to anger homosexuals when joking once of hypothetically shooting a man if he looked at him with lust.

Now Swaggart is gentler, and tells viewers stories of pass crusades, antidotes about life as a poor boy in Ferriday and growing up with cousin Jerry Lee Lewis, as well as his 3 great grandchildren mixed in with his sermons. Gone is some of the abrasive style, and tough tone with which he angered Catholics, called Jim Bakker a cancer on the body of Christ, and urged listeners to strive for righteousness. However it was in late 2009 that Jimmy Swaggart and his ministry in Baton Rouge launched the SonLife Broadcasting Network a 24/7 television network which features Jimmy Swaggart's preaching, although his message has not changed too much, his delivery has to degree. It would be here that many saw the last of the over six foot, former aspiring boxer turned evangelist from Ferriday Louisiana. Although he wasn't charged with soliciting, nor caught in the act, he was given a ticket which he paid by mail and his ministry was once again in the headlines for all the wrong reasons. during a crusade that Swaggart was again caught with a prostitute in the passenger seat of his Jaguar after being pulled over for driving on the wrong side of the road. By that time most of his Bible College students had left and his "I Have Sinned" confession had been made infamous.

Returning instead after his three months suspension from the Louisiana presbytery was complete. Swaggart was defrocked by the national Assemblies of God presbytery for violating their 2 year suspension on preaching according to People magazine. The fiery Louisianian preacher who had railed against social ills, promiscuity, homosexuality and pornography was caught being a hypocrite by a man that he himself had allegedly outed as having adulterous affairs Marvin Gorman. Twenty four years ago Jimmy Swaggart's world seemingly came crashing down around him as a private investigation revealed he had solicited prostitutes. Baton Rouge - Nearly 25 years after his ministry was rocked by sex scandals involving prostitutes the Pentecostal minister is back on the scene with his own television network.